PLOS 2015 Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems
October 4, 2015, Monterey, California, USA

Past Workshops

The Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems (PLOS) has its root in the ECOOP workshop series on Object-Orientation and Operating Systems (OOOSWS), which started at ECOOP '97. While at ECOOP, the number of participants grew consistently and some of the papers presented at the workshop resulted in journal publications.

In 2004, the organizers decided to give the workshop a more interactive format and a stronger focus on the special connection between programming languages and operating systems. This was emphasized by changing the workshop name. In 2005, workshop attendees suggested that the workshop be held not just at ECOOP, but also at other premier programming language and operating systems conferences.

The most recent PLOS workshops were held in conjunction with systems conferences. In 2006, PLOS was part of the workshop program at ASPLOS-XII. In 2007, PLOS was held in the same location as SOSP 2007, immediately following that conference. PLOS 2007 was sponsored by ACM SIGOPS. PLOS 2009, PLOS 2011, and PLOS 2013 were official SOSP workshops.

Below is a summary of these previous workshop events in reverse chronological order.

The proceedings of PLOS 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, and 2013 are available in the ACM Digital Library. In addition, PLOS 2009 and PLOS 2011 are described in a workshop report published in Operating Systems Review.