> PLOS 2007 > Registration  


The early registration deadline for PLOS 2007 has been extended by one week. The new early registration deadline is September 28, 2007, and online registration will close on October 10, 2007.

Click Here for Online Registration

The workshop registration fee schedule is as follows. The online registration tool will accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express, and we greatly appreciate attendees using one of these forms of payment. If you have any questions about the registration system, contact Eric Eide.

Early RegistrationOnline RegistrationOnsite Registration
(Through Sept. 28) (Sept. 29 through Oct. 10)

Note that the workshop fee includes registration, catering during the morning and afternoon breaks as well as lunch. The cost of lodging is NOT included and must be arranged separately. Reservations for hotel rooms are available by clicking on the Accommodations link.

Also note that an SOSP registration does NOT include the PLOS workshop fee. If you plan to attend both events, you need to register for each one separately.

Refund/Cancellation Policy

If you must cancel, your refund request must be submitted in writing with your signature, and postmarked no later than October 11, 2007. Telephone and email requests cannot be accepted. You may fax your cancellation or substitute another in your place. Contact Eric Eide for details: +1 801 585 5512.
  Last modified: 2021-05-20   OS